- ENRICH : At a glance
- Evolution
- Working area of ENRICH
- ENRICH Family Analysis
- Research findings
- Spirit of ENRICH
Major Component:
- ENRICH : Health
- ENRICH : Education
- ENRICH : Beggar Rehabilitation
- Assisting Freedom Fighters
- ENRICH : Environment
- ENRICH : Youth Development
- ENRICH : Community Development
- ENRICH Centre
- ENRICH : Home
- ENRICH : Appropriate Finance
ENRICH Publications:
To create an enabling environment for the poor to achieve a humanly dignified living standard and enjoy universal human rights.
The Overall Goal:
To ensuring human dignity and freedom by gradually reducing poverty in a sustainable manner, towards total elimination of poverty and beyond poverty in a sustainable development at the household level.
The Specific objectives:
- To Attain total development of each household as well as the whole community participating in ENRICH.
- To Empower the poor households through capacity building To Ensure human dignity for all.
- To Facilitate the best utilization of the existing capabilities and resources of the poor households and to help enhance both their capabilities and resources in order to enable them to come out poverty and move ahead towards a life of human dignity.